I had the pleasure of being invited to Brookville Public School in Milton for their Wellness Fair. They had various health and wellness experts providing awareness for a better well being in children and parents. Yoga, drum circles, nature conservatories, bee keepers just to name a few, came together to provide an evening of learning and fun.
In my classroom I set up a station to do a hands on hummus making with samples and recipes for everyone to taste and take home. The kids that attended helped make the hummus, while learning nutritional facts and why it makes for a good snack. We all need Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat to keep going, feed the brain and stay full longer. They couldn’t believe how easy it was to make this delicious healthy dip, and told me they would rather make it than buy it in a store because it tasted better. I say that was a win for the evening! Some were not fans of chickpeas on their own, but after some lemon, garlic, and a spin in the food processor chickpeas didn’t seem so bad after all.
This experience really enforced that kids love being involved, and learning while seeing and doing. They had fun, laughed and even got creative by adding some secret ingredients to the hummus like spinach and beets. It is said that when you take the time to make your own food items, you are most likely going to enjoy what you created and kids will want to try it. As a Veggiecator and culinary nutrition expert, I am committed to inspiring a hunger for health in young people through food literacy culinary hands on workshops. The more you know the more you grow.
Thank you Brookville PS for a great event and a great evening!
I look forward to seeing you all soon.