Sabrina's Vision
My vision is to go out into the community and deliver fun nutrition culinary experiences, sparking a hunger for health and well being through mindful eating. I want to create mindful conversations and exploration around all that wholesome foods offer us. By providing the ingredients needed individuals can begin to appreciate food, cultivate self-love, and find a balanced way of living forgoing the diet culture.
Since I was a young girl the notion of healthy home cooked meals became a very vital part of my life. My grandmother an immigrant from Europe had the most abundant garden that she nurtured and it was always plentiful. Yielding a variety of fresh vegetables she would create delicious salads, batches of canned foods, and meals that were unforgettable. The wheelbarrow was always in use not only to load up with veggies but also to take me and other grandchildren for a ride around the yard. This is what inspired the wheelbarrow in the logo for Nurish Well. The notion of garden to table cooking and fresh sustainable foods started here for me, but even in my own home my mother and father always provided from scratch meals and treats were always treated as such.

That is me in my grandmas wheel barrow
"To inspire and educate youth through sustainable food choices so that they will always be hungry for health."

The passion for eating what was in season, minimal processed foods and limited sugars has always been a big part of my life. Everything in moderation, and trying to be well balanced. Whenever the balance tipped to the not so good side, I could feel that it was not doing my body any good. I ignored some of the signs and symptoms, and continued to feed my body the foods that I thought felt right. It was not until I was told that I had an autoimmune disorder Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, that I started to re-evaluate and go back to where I went wrong. How could this happen? Times are changing, the way foods are being produced and delivered to us are changing, and not for the better. I realized this a little too late, but I really started to focus on what worked for ME, and am happy to say that I am feeling better than ever. It takes time to prepare and create healthy foods but your health and well being should always be the number one priority.
Taking time to heal and get myself to where I want to be has had its ups and downs but has lead me to this very uplifting time in my life. I graduated with Honours from the Academy of Culinary Nutrition, the Alive Academy with a Holistic Nutrition Certification, The Centre for Mindful Eating with a Mindful Eating certification and completed my Bachelors of Science in Oral Health Promotion. I also completed a 50 hour Mindfulness Teacher training through Downward Dog and a 200 hour yoga teacher training at Octopus Garden.
I have found a passion for educating and inspiring others to make small changes so that they look at all food in a positive attainable way. Being able to have fun in the kitchen, learning, creating and having fun with food is what it is all about. Food can be exciting, tasty and easy, trust me everyone always has a little inner chef wanting to shine. Getting back to where it all began and creating delicious salads and home cooked foods that I can share with everyone makes me smile. I also know that my grandma would be happy that her passion for preparing good food and teaching me some of her secrets made a big impact in my life.
"It's time to change the way we look at food and get back to the basics."