The September 28th Kombucha workshop is officially sold out next one is Oct 20th!!

This workshop was open to the Nurish Well Family first and was sold out right away.
With the popularity of kombucha on the rise, learning how to make your own is affordable, easy and fun. I am happy to report that another one is scheduled for October 20th and this one will be held in a bigger space.
Did you know that kombucha is a fermented tea providing beneficial nutrients that aid in digestion and can improve your immunity?

This ancient recipe has gained popularity recently because of its low sugar content, natural producing fizz, contains rich organic acids and probiotics…And did I mention its delicious flavour. It is being treated as a healthier alternative to soda by many and at this workshop you will taste why.
You may have heard people talking about kombucha, seen it in supermarkets, advertised in magazines and even spotted it in some restaurants. Join me for a informative and fun demonstration, while we sip, and learn all about this fermented tea and how you can start brewing your own at home.
This is an excellent introduction into:
a short history of fermentation
the benefits of fermentation
the science behind the brew
understanding what supplies are needed
the batch method brewing technique
the bottling process creating various flavours
You will go home with a live kombucha culture, step by step instructions and some supplies to get you on your way to creating your own brew.
Reserve your spot today and lets have fun doing the kombucha cha cha!!
WHEN: October 20th, 2017
WHERE: Longos LOFT kitchen: 9306 Bathurst St. Thornhill ON
TIME: 6:30-7:45pm
RSVP: by October 12th space is limited
COST: $35
please go to to get your ticket!